Explore Scientific FirstLight MAK127 with Twilight Nano Mount
This FirstLight package is equipped with a 127 mm f/15 White Maksutov-Cassegrain optical tube and Twilight Nano Alt-Azimuth mount and accessories such as a 25 mm Plossl eyepiece and red dot finder.
The FirstLight MAK127 has a bonus accessory! It also includes a smartphone camera adapter for capturing and sharing the magnificent views seen in your eyepiece.
Twilight Nano Mount
This Explore Scientific FirstLight Twilight Nano Alt-Azimuth Mount includes a handle enables smooth movements.
A lightweight alt-azimuth mount and tripod, the Twilight Nano is designed to conveniently accept modest scopes, such as small Mak-Cassegrains, small refractors, small solar scopes, and, naturally, the ED80. The tripod is a sturdy steel ST1 with 1.25" diameter legs with a minimum height of 25.5" and a maximum height of 45".