Take control of your health and banish the worries – sound good?
Living a long and healthy life is near the top of most people’s wish lists. So it makes sense that there’s a whole industry out there, working on making websites, gadgets and apps to help people like you and me take control of and manage our own health – often for a small fee, of course… But with all these tools available nowadays, literally at your fingertips, you should be finding it easier than ever to stay healthy.
But instead, the fact that there’s all this new health technology can leave you befuddled – how do you know what you need, how do you know what to trust (and what’s just a gimmick), does it need to cost a fortune or are there free alternatives…
No-one ever seems to go through it all and explain it properly. That’s why we wrote this book: Health Tech: Websites, Gadgets and Apps – Track and take control of your health and wellbeing and know how to find help when you need it.
It explains all about the different technology that’s out there in the health world – some of it that you can’t avoid and lots that you wouldn’t want to avoid. It describes in simple terms what each bit of technology is (and the point of it). Then I help you work out whether each thing is relevant to you – whether you’d find it helpful.
And then there's the Journal – One Hundred Days to Improve Your Health: A daily write-in journal to help you build healthier habits”.
One of the biggest things that people struggle with, with any new regime or health kick, is sticking to it. You miss one daily walk and suddenly you’ve broken your streak, and it’s harder to get up and do it the following day.
Keeping a diary, or journal, of your progress so far can really help – it makes it easier to stick to, because if you miss one day, you’ve still got this book showing all your progress so far – and in the face of that, one day off doesn’t seem so bad – so you can just write off that day in the journal and start again the next day – or fill in the journal with “took a day off ”.
So we’ve created this journal for you to fill in – a simple tracking tool, specially designed to help you set realistic goals and monitor your progress towards them.
Why not order now – we’ll get your books straight in the post to you.
- Not sure which books you need? Give us a call on 01229 777606 and we’ll help you.
- Only want the one book? That’s fine, just choose the relevant option at the top of the page.